
Our Hawaiian Adventure with a Toddler

Thursday, July 30, 2015

I love to travel. I also love my daughter. However toddlers and travel don't usually ever go well together. 

As we approached our five year anniversary, my husband and I wanted to take a trip to celebrate. We considered a romantic escape for two, but truth is, we really like our kid and wanted to do something as a family. After all, starting our family has been the greatest achievement of our marriage so far. 

We tossed around a few ideas and finally decided on Hawaii. Neither of us had ever been there, we could do a lot of of hiking as well as spend time relaxing at the beach, and as part of the United States, everything there was pretty familiar to us. And because, Hawaii:

So Life

Take Time

Thursday, July 09, 2015

My husband and I recently took two weeks off from work and our little family of three went on vacation. It was heavenly. It was the epitome of vacation and we tried to do as little “work” as possible. Which for me meant not only stepping away from my real job, but this little blog as well. We needed to take time to focus on our family.

After vacation, I planned to write something about our trip for my next post. Unfortunately upon our return, I learned that my grandfather had passed. Coming back to reality became difficult on an entirely different level. He had been in hospice care for a while, so I knew that the time would come to have to say goodbye, but I still wasn’t prepared for how hard it would be. So instead of writing about vacation, I’d like to write about my Grandpa - Lloyd J. Hill, Jr.

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